Fire Emblem Echoes Amiibo Reportedly Unlock Hidden Dungeon

An Amazon listing for Fire Emblem Echoes Amiibo has sent the internet rumour mill about their abilities into overdrive. True to Nintendo’s style of product releases not much is known yet on the game, or the two Amiibo revealed alongside it. But now an update on Amazon Japan seems to have given away some interesting information.

When Fire Emblem Echoes was revealed, two new Amiibos for Alm and Celica were also announced alongside the game. At that point not much was known about the new amiibo, but now several sites are reporting that they may be able to unlock a special Dungeon in the game.

Amazon Japan Gives the Game Away?

As is normal for any retailer, the site updated the description of the two Amiibos to include the following:

By using an Alm or Celica amiibo, which releases alongside Fire Emblem Echoes, it is possible to challenge a special dungeon.

No other specifics are currently available at the moment, but hopefully Amiibo fans will get more information on this in the coming days.

Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadow of Valentia is one of the most anticipated games on 3DS this year and no doubt gamers will be keen to know more. The upcoming tactical RPG is due to be released on May 19 2017 in the west.

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